Changes to how you make a complaint about primary care from 1 July 2023
You have the right to make a complaint about any aspect of NHS care, treatment or service, and this is written into the NHS Constitution on GOV.UK.
From 1 July 2023 new changes have been introduced to the way members of the public make a complaint about primary care services to the commissioner.
By primary care services we mean GPs, dentists, opticians or pharmacy services.
There are two ways you can make a complaint:
You can complain to the healthcare provider: this is the organisation where you received the NHS service, for example a GP surgery or dental surgery.
You can complain to Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland Integrated Care Board (LLR ICB): this is the organisation that paid for the service or care you received.
After 1 July 2023 if you want to make a complaint about primary care services to the commissioner you will now contact LLR ICB instead of NHS England.
You can do this by:
Telephone: 0116 295 7572
Email: llricb-llr.enquiries@nhs.net
Writing to us at:
Corporate Governance Team
NHS Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland Integrated Care Board (ICB)
Room G30, Pen Lloyd Building
County Hall, Glenfield
Leicester, LE3 8TB
If you want to make a complaint directly to the provider of the primary care service, you still can – that does not change on the 1 July 2023.
We aim to provide you with the highest standards of care and welcome your feedback. Please take the time to advise us what you think is going well and what we could do better by completing this feedback form:
We make every effort to give the best service possible to everyone who attends our practice. 
However, we are aware that things can go wrong sometimes resulting in a patient feeling that they have a genuine cause for complaint. If this is so, we would wish for the matter to be settled as quickly, and as amicably, as possible.
Most problems can be sorted out quickly and easily face to face often at the time they arise. as a first step you can speak to your GP or with the operational manager who will help to resolve your problem.
In many cases, the problem can be solved straightaway, and you won't need to take your complaint any further.
If you don't feel comfortable about talking to your GP or practice manager, you may want to seek advice from:
PALS provide a confidential service designed to help patients get the most from the NHS. PALS can tell you more about the NHS complaints procedure and may be able to help you resolve your complaint informally.
• your local Independent Complaints and Advocacy Service (ICAS).
ICAS is a national service that supports people who want to make a complaint about their NHS care or treatment. The Department of Health website has more information about ICAS.
NHS Complaints Advocacy Service - POhWER
NHS complaints advocacy is a statutory service. By law anyone who wishes to complain about their NHS care or treatment is entitled to advocacy support – whoever they are, whatever their complaint.
POhWER Advocacy has been commissioned by the local authorities to provide the NHS Complaints Advocacy service in Leicester City, Leicestershire and Rutland. The service is free, independent of the NHS and confidential.
You may also wish to contact POhWER, NHS Complaints Advocacy Service for support with your complaint. POhWER provide a free, confidential and independent service to support people with their NHS complaint.
POhWER can be contacted in the following ways: Telephone: 0300 200 0084 or by email: pohwer@pohwer.net. Their website address is: www.pohwer.net/leicester-city
NHS Complaints Advocacy Service
Taking your complaint further
If your concerns are not resolved, you may decide to make a formal complaint. You can do this:
- verbally by speaking to a member of staff at your GP surgery, or
• by writing to your GP surgery. You can send a letter, or fill in this formComplaint_Form.doc
Whether you complain verbally or in writing, you should receive an acknowledgment from your GP surgery within three working days of the complaint.
Your complaint should be answered within six months, unless you and your GP surgery agree that it can be answered within a different timescale.
If you're not happy with your GP surgery's reply, you can refer your complaint to the Parliamentary and Health Service Ombudsman.
We are always keen to hear about problems you may be having. There is a suggestion box at the front entrance of the surgery.
Formal complaints should be made in writting marked confidential and addressed to the practice manager. You may use this Complaint_Form.doc if you wish.
The Partner at the practice responsible for the overall management of the complaints process is Dr K Waraich.
Send your written complaint to:
Mrs Rucksana Patel
Johnson Medical Practice
22 Maidenwell Avenue
Leicester LE5 1BL
The Health Service Ombudsman
The Health Service Ombudsman has published a booklet that describes the ‘six principles for remedy’ in relation to complaints handling and involves:
- Getting it right
- Being customer focused
- Being open and accountable
- Acting fairly and proportionately
- Putting things right
- Seeking continuous improvements
If you remain unhappy after everything has been done to try to resolve your concern or complaint you have the right to approach the Ombudsman.
Tel: 0345 015 4033
Email: phso.enquiries@ombudsman.org.uk
Write: Millbank Tower, Millbank, London SW1P 4QP.