To request repeat Prescriptions, Please click on the green box below "NHS CONTACT US ONLINE" and then click on admin query.

Repeat Prescriptions
If you have regular medication for a condition that your doctor is aware of, you can periodically collect a repeat prescription from the practice without having to make an appointment.
Repeat prescription requests can be made by the following ways:
Online - you may request prescriptions online via the link at the top of this page. This service is only available to those patients who have registered for it which must be done in person at the practice so that we can verify your identity.- By Post - you can send in a printed request slip (available from the practice, which shows the medication you are taking) by post. If you include a stamped, self-addressed envelope we will post it back to you or you may collect it from the practice.
- In Person - you can bring the prescription request to the surgery and hand it in to reception or post it through our letterbox.
Please note we can not accept prescription requests over the phone as this can lead to an errors.
Prescription Collection
To comply with the CQC standard on security and data protection we require permission for prescription collections to be formally recorded on our clinical system. Along with the name, a date of birth may be requested by staff when prescriptions are collected. With this in mind please make sure the person collecting has the relevant information. Prescriptions will not be given to anyone other than the patient unless permission is recorded.
Pharmacy Collection
Many of the pharmacies in our practice area provide a collection service. By registering with one of these pharmacies, you can have your prescription delivered and collected by the pharmacist.
Medication Reviews
Patients on repeat medication will be asked to see a doctor, nurse practitioner or practice nurse at least once a year to review these regular medications and notification should appear on your repeat slip. Please ensure that you book an appropriate appointment to avoid unnecessary delays to further prescriptions.
Please allow two full working days for prescriptions to be processed and remember to take weekends and bank holidays into account.