To request an appointments, Please click on green box below "NHS CONTACT US ONLINE" and then click on medical request.

For same day appointments please call either of the following numbers. These appointment are booked at 8.00am for the same day; All incoming and outgoing calls are recorded. This helps us to monitor calls for training and quality purposes.
Appointment Structure
Pre-booked appointments can be booked for routine issues with the doctor of your choice up to two weeks in advance. We are open for extended hours from 8am to 8pm on every Monday. These are best for predictable follow ups and are a valuable resource; please cancel them if you no longer need the appointment.
Emergency Appointments (bookable only on the day)
If you have an urgent medical problem there will be an urgent telephone treatment advice appointment. The reception team will book a telephone treatment advice appointment with GP with a brief description of the problem. The doctor will call you back to discuss how best to manage the problem. This will include seeing you if it is medically urgent.
Double Appointments
Please remember an appointment slot is ten minutes. If you have more than one issues or feel you need longer please book a double appointment.
Nurse Appointments
In a number of cases it might be worth considering an appointment with a practice nurse rather than a doctor. Practice nurses are qualified to deal with many conditions and you may be seen more quickly. This can be arranged with one of our receptionist at the time of booking your appointment.
Telephone Consultation
The practice also offers a telephone consultations; if you are unable to see a doctor on the same day or if you feel that your ‘problem’ does not require a ‘face-to-face’ consultation but could successfully be dealt with over the phone, please let the receptionist know and you will be given an approximate time when a doctor will ring you back. The receptionist will ask for your contact details and may ask you for details of your symptoms to facilitate the doctors.
Keeping and cancelling appointments
Please arrive promptly and remember to cancel your appointment as soon as possible if you can no longer keep it: this will enable other patients to benefit from it.
Text Message Reminders
You can now register to receive information by text message on your phone regarding appointments and health care.
If you wish to register for this messaging service please fill out the consent form.
GP practices now work in groups called Primary Care Networks. Your practice is in Salutem PCN which comprises 5 practices in the East side of Leicester. They include:
- Downing Drive Surgery · East Leicester Medical Practice · Humberstone Medical Centre · Johnson Medical Practice · St. Elizabeth Medical Centre In order to improve access to General Practice services, and promote good health for all the population, from October 2022, GP Practices across the country are being asked to offer more appointments to patients, across the PCN, outside of their current core opening hours of 8am-6:30pm and Salutem Primary Care Network would like to find out more about your views on how best to implement this.
Please take a few minutes to complete the survey, on the link below to share your views. Thank you.”
Leicester City Healthcare Hubs
The healthcare hubs are an integral part of the service provided by Leicester City GP practices to improve access to appointments. If you need an appointment and we do not have anything available, we may book an appointment for you at one of four healthcare hubs instead, if an appointment is suitable for your particular medical problem.
There are four healthcare hubs in Leicester, offering convenient appointments during the day, in the evenings, at weekends and on bank holidays:
If you have used the healthcare hubs service before, you may have booked an appointment yourself. From 1st August 2019, appointments can only be booked by your GP practice during normal opening hours. In the evening and at weekends, you can call NHS 111 for advice, who will be able to book an out of hours appointment if appropriate.
Healthcare hub locations
Belgrave Health Centre Westcotes Health Centre
52 Brandon Street, Leicester, LE4 6AW Fosse Road South, Leicester, LE3 0LP
Mon-Fri 6:30pm to 10:00pm 8am to 8pm, seven days a week
Weekends and bank holidays
12:00pm to 8:00pm
Merlyn Vaz Health and Social Care Centre Saffron Health
1 Spinney Hill Road, Leicester, LE5 3GH 612 Saffron Lane, Leicester, LE2 6TD
8am to 8pm, seven days a week Mon-Fri 6:30pm to 10:00pm
Weekends and bank holidays
12:00pm to 8:00pm
Why does the receptionist need to ask what’s wrong with me?
It is not a case of the receptionists being nosey!
The reception staff are members of the practice team and it has been agreed they should ask patients ‘why they need to be seen’. Reception staff are trained to ask certain questions in order to ensure that you receive:
- The most appropriate medical care,
- From the most appropriate health professional,
- At the most appropriate time.
Receptionists are asked to collect brief information from patients:
1. To help doctors prioritise house visits and phone calls
2. To ensure that all patients receive the appropriate level of care
3. To direct patients to see the nurse or other health professional rather than a doctor where appropriate.
Reception staff, like all members of the team, are bound by confidentiality rules
- Any information given by you is treated strictly confidentially.
- The practice would take any breach of confidentiality very seriously and deal with accordingly.
- You can ask to speak to a receptionist in private away from reception.
- However if you feel an issue is very private and do not wish to say what this is then this will be respected.
Thank you for your support